Emerson, a stately elder dog, loves being held.

Random Dogs and Cats!

Here are a few dogs and cats I’ve come across these past few months.

Birdie, a four pound Maltese dog in Asheville, loves belly rubs.
Birdie, a four pound Maltese dog in Asheville, loves belly rubs.
Bunny, a fluffy Chihuahua mix, and Kupo the Cat, hold hands while staring at Paul.
Bunny, a fluffy Chihuahua mix, and Kupo the Cat, hold hands while staring at Paul.
Random dog with Paul at the Barksdale bar in Asheville.
Random dog with Paul at the Barksdale bar in Asheville.
Remus and Penny, cats of Woodfin, North Carolina, watch Paul with curiousity.
Remus and Penny, cats of Woodfin, North Carolina, watch Paul with curiousity.

About Paul

Paul is a local Asheville web designer, bad drawer, and dogsitter.