I ran into Birdie the four-pound Maltese

A photo of Paul holding Birdie, a four-pound Maltese dog.

As i worked on my laptop one evening, a familiar voice said hello and there was Birdie and her owner Jess! Birdie is a four-pound Maltese with the longest bangs ever. This was a pleasant surprise.

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Maple the Cat and Kindal the Dog in Asheville

Kindal the Dog and Maple the Cat take an afternoon nap together.

It was my third time taking care of Maple the Magnificent Cat and the first time caring for Kindal, an elder, stately dog who has his own way of doing things. It took about 36 hours before Kindal was able to overcome his anxiety at this unknown petsitter (me) in his home. Kindal would carefully…

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Maple the Magnificent in Kenilworth

Maple the Magnificent cat in Kenilworth in Asheville grooms herself.

Maple is no ordinary cat. She loves to wander the Kenilworth neighborhood in Asheville at all hours of the day and night. I imagine she follows the same route greeting neighbors both human and animal. I used to worry when she wouldn’t return immediately but I learned Maple is an independent, magnificent cat unafraid of…

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