Project Lexi in Arden, North Carolina

Lexi reminds me of Lassie in her temperament and affection for all humans and dogs. She is a COVID dog, born sometime in 2020, and raised during lockdown. She has not spent much time away from humans. So when her parents planned a road trip to Sturgis in South Dakota for a large annual motorcycle gathering, they called me. My job was to spend the afternoon with her, take walks around the neighorhood, and give her treats (evenings were covered by Lexi’s human sister). During our time together, I learned Lexi is a strong puller, loves to greet others with abundant affection, and is afraid of the chain saws of tree trimmers, which prevented us from leaving the house one day. She also loved bringing me her octopus toy as we played tug-of-war in her living room.


About Paul

Paul is a local Asheville web designer, bad drawer, and dogsitter.