Juniper, Kepler & Kudo in North Asheville
Many years ago I met a student named Lauren at UNC-Asheville who went on to become a physician. Along the way she got hitched to Rob and had two super cute kids with another due this year. I haven’t seen Lauren in person in more than ten years. Facebook, however, has kept us informed of one another’s life developments. When I posted about Sit, Asheville, Sit, they contacted me and we made plans to take care of their two dogs, Juniper and Kepler, and their cat, Kudo. Tucked away on the soft slope of a verdant mountainside, their home accommodates both its humans and its pets. I fed the pets each morning along with medication stuffed in pill pockets and did the same each night. In between Juniper couldn’t get enough head scratches and hand holding. She followed me throughout the entire household. Kepler barked his appreciation and rolled on his back for tummy rubs. And Kudo clawed me when they were hungry 🙂 It was a serene and affectionate time with their pets. I look forward to it again!
— Paul